Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Atheism Discussion on Fox News

Oh great, it's Faux- I mean Fox News. That should sound the alarms right away.

However, I never knew George Clooney and Angelina Jolie are both Atheists. Good for them.

Anyways, here's the damn video.

According to them, "Atheism" is a trend.

Well if logical thinking becomes a trend, does that make me part of the popular crowd?

Johnathan, you're a moron. A person does NOT need a degree in religion, to understand it. Just like a person does NOT need a degree in biology, to know what D.N.A stands for.

"They suffer their belief because they know the world makes a whole not more sense if there is a god."

I was right, you are stupid.

The world would make no sense if there was a god. But because the world does in fact, make sense, just leads me to believe there isn't a god.

How to explain the human eye?

It evolved, duh.

Honestly, why can't people like him actually research this stuff? I doubt he doesn't have a computer. It isn't very hard to use either. The eye is not that complex.

There is almost 0% proberility for a designer, Johnathan.

As for the blond who says Birth of a child = miracle...

How does that equal to a god? It's just a birth, there's no miracle in it. It happens everday to humans and other animals. It's part of nature. Big deal.

So no, it will not change a lot of peoples minds. Try again!

"How would you get 90% of Americans to agree on any single issue ever?"

Thats a very easy one. Not all 90% of those Americans, even believe in the same god. And those that do, do NOT all agree on the same morals and interpretations of the Bible, Koran or Torah.

And than theres this:
Scientists Explain Flock Mentality In Humans

It explains a lot of why so many moderates, remain moderate. They like being part of the herd.

I'll talk about any god, from any point of view, as I damn well please, thanks.

There is NO specific field for atheists to follow. Never has been, never will be.

And why the fuck is Faux News asking a Priest to report on Atheism?..... It would make more sense to ask an ATHEIST to report on Atheism.

Oh wait, it's Faux News, they don't get anything right.

'Earth worship' on the rise among evangelical youth

The title alone brings a smile to my face.

Janice Crouse, a senior fellow with Concerned Women for America, says it's disturbing that many young people in evangelical churches are experimenting with the Wiccan religion. Church leaders and Christian parents, she warns, must be ready to counter that growing interest among their youth.

Now, you wont see my defend a religion very often, but I feel the need to correct stupidity whenever I see it.

I'd love to know, whats wrong with the youth learning about other faiths? As long as their are not hurting another human, animal or themselves, I don't see what the big deal is. Wouldn't a smart parent allow their child to explore all the different faiths?

Oh wait, Evangelical like to brainwash their kids and hate anything that even looks like it might allow their offspring to learn about reality.

Crouse cites an article in Religion Journal which said youth pastors in the Southern Baptist Convention were worried about large numbers of evangelicals taking part in Wicca, a religion that involves nature worship, stresses moral autonomy, and includes remedies and spells -- beliefs that Crouse points out are distinctly different from orthodox Christianity, not to mention incompatible with the Bible.

News flash, the spells are not real, they don't actually do anything, and they do NOT actually worship nature.

I shall repeat once more.

They do NOT worship nature.

Wiccans worship the Mother Goddess, also known as Gaia, who is both a godesses (duh) and the planet. She's the creator and created. So they worship a goddess, not trees.

"... Wiccans believe in moral autonomy -- [that] 'nobody can tell me what to do.' And I think particularly with young people ... that's a very desirable thing; they don't want the church telling them that there are boundaries, [that] there are things that they can't do," she explains. "Another one is that they don't believe in having authorities beyond human constructs; that we as individuals have the responsibility to shape our own beliefs and there's no evil beyond that."

Wrong yet again.

The least you could do is actually research the faith, not pull lies out of your ass.

Wiccans follow the Rede, which is like a moral code. So heh, they don't believe "nobody can tell me what to do." They DO have boundaries. They just are not the same boundaries as the Church.

I'm confused on the last part though. Are we as humans, not able to shape our own beliefs? Because I know in reality, we are already doing that.

Crouse, who directs Concerned Women for America's Beverly LaHaye Institute, says the interest in Wicca can be traced to recent books featuring witchcraft and similar topics.

"Some people think this goes back to the books that were so popular up until recently, and so many of the games and television programs that feature witchcraft and magic and fairy tales that have a dimension to it that if you just pull out some kind of spell you can make anything happen," she says. "This has really become quite entrenched in many of the young people's groups and in evangelicals in particular."

According to Crouse, "earth worship" -- as she describes Wicca -- appeals to people who do not want to be bound by any book of authority or have imposed on them any requirements to be "believers."

Crouse, you're an idiot.

Anyone who's sane can tell that real witchcraft, magic and the likes, are NOT real.

As an Atheist, Wicca is not very appealing to me. It's as nuts as Christianity, Islam and Judiasm.

Your "book" is not Authority, and it never will be. Thanks.

Article can be found here.

NEA Pushes Homosexuality in School Booklet, Group Says

Just by reading the title of the article, I instantly new they were highly biased, and didn't actually know what the fuck they are even talking about. - A 24-page pamphlet sent to all 16,000 public school superintendents in the United States -- by a coalition led by the National Education Association and the American Psychological Association -- is "a renewed effort" to protect the well-being of all students, including, the pamphlet says, "those who are at higher risk because of their sexual orientation."

However, a national pro-family group is criticizing the publication as "giving parents 16,000 new reasons to question the agenda of national teachers' union leaders" and is offering a flier of its own to equip parents "to oppose this promotion of homosexuality in your child's school."

"Just the Facts About Sexual Orientation and Youth: A Primer for Principals, Educators and School Personnel" serves as a guide for public school employees "who confront sensitive issues involving gay, lesbian and bisexual students," the coalition of 13 national associations said in a news release announcing the distribution of the booklet.

Eh...what? I'd love to know how teaching kids to not be assholes towards kids who are gay, equals the "promoting" of homosexuality. Oh noes, we can't beat them up anymore! They must be promoting kids to be gay!!


According to the "group of education, health, mental health and religious organizations," the brochure "includes the most recent information from professional health organizations, as well as up-to-date information on the legal responsibility of school officials to protect students from anti-gay harassment."

"The opportunity for students to learn is diminished when they do not feel safe or supported at school," the coalition stated. "In addition to assault and harassment, gay, lesbian and bisexual students experience high rates of emotional distress, suicide attempts and substance abuse.

I don't see how anyone who's sane, could argue against this. I'm all for supporting the well being of ALL kids in schools.

"These factors hinder their emotional and social development, as well as their ability to succeed in school," the organization added. "It is our responsibility to provide accurate and factual information. We believe this publication will be a valuable tool to help educators, administrators and others concerned with caring for America's students."

First formed in 1998, the coalition produced the original version of "Just the Facts" to respond to concerns that school personnel were receiving inaccurate information on the issue of sexual orientation. The updated publication reflects the coalition's continuing concern about the safety and well-being of "gay, lesbian and bisexual" students.

Led by the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Psychological Association (APA), the coalition includes the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Counseling Association, the American Association of School Administrators, the American Federation of Teachers and the American School Counselor Association.

The release was distributed by the APA, "the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States" and "the world's largest association of psychologists."

Again, I'm not seeing anything wrong with what they are doing. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough?

'Incubators for radical social agendas'

Tony Perkins, president of the conservative Family Research Council (FRC), dismissed the project in an e-mail statement as evidence for parents to question the agenda of the NEA and its allies.

"Among the so-called 'facts' in the 24-page document is the opinion that homosexuality is 'a normal expression of human sexuality,'" Perkins said.

Dear Tony, it IS a normal expression of human sexuality. Welcome to the year 2008, it's about time you got caught up with the rest of us.

"The booklet also warns teachers not to discuss 'transformational ministries' that suggest homosexuality is a condition that can be changed," he said. "Religious-based views are regarded as harmful, if not dangerous.

"This is no surprise to those who have followed the leftward drift of the NEA leadership," Perkins added. "For years, the organization has used teachers' dues to subsidize its top officials' left-wing fanaticism, which includes everything from promoting homosexuality and abortion in schools to pushing birth control."

f I had a gay son that came home one day crying because some asshole told him he's going to "hell" if he doesn't stop being attracted to other boys, I'd sue whoever did it.

I have NEVER ever seen or heard of anyone ever "promoting" Homosexuality in schools. Ever. Why? Because no one does. Tony's just to damn stupid to realize that.

In my health class, abortion and birth control was NOT pushed on us, it was taught to us.

I'd be worried if a school didn't actually push for girls and boys both, to use birth control when they decide to have sex. Abstinence has clearly failed, the best way to protect the kids is to teach them how to protect themselves first. Kids will ALWAYS have sex, it's about time we stop lightly stepping around the issue.

And the APA "is no better," he said. "In the past few decades, the group has gone from listing homosexuality as a mental disorder to becoming one of its biggest champions in the public square.

"Now both groups are using their influence to transform public schools into incubators for their radical social agendas," Perkins said. "These lessons in political correctness must stop!"

No Tony, it's you that has the radical social agenda. Keep your religious stupidity away from the innocent kids please.

To "equip parents to oppose this promotion of homosexuality," the FRC offers a 36-page document of its own: "Homosexuality in Your Child's School" by Peter Sprigg, the group's vice president for policy.

Oh great, a book on how to teach kids to act like bigoted assholes towards other kids. Just what we needed, new ways to be bullies.

"Despite decades of activism and media propaganda promoting acceptance and celebration of homosexuality, and a number of political and judicial victories for the pro-homosexual movement, polls show that a clear majority of Americans still believe that homosexual behavior is 'morally wrong,'" Sprigg stated in the brochure.

I have accepted Homosexuality, and I do celebrate it. And no, I do NOT believe it is morally wrong. And thankfully, people like you, are a dying breed.

Homosexual activists have therefore decided that "indoctrinating impressionable school children is an easier way of changing public attitudes toward homosexuality than persuading adults," Sprigg noted.

"That's one recruitment drive that has no place on the campuses of America's public schools," Sprigg added.

No Sprigg, thats what you want to do. You want to indoctrinate the innocent kids into your delusion religion of stupidity, and teach them how to be assholes and treat other kids like utter shit. I will stand against your recruitment of innocent minds as much as possible.

The Article can be found here.